Figure 3
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Anawari Inpiti Mitchell
Anawari Inpiti Mitchell, born in about 1960, grew up at Warburton mission but spent her holidays travelling with her parents through the Ngaanyatjarra lands, leading a traditional life. Anawari was the inaugural manager of the Papulankutja Women’s Centre, and attended the first Tjanpi Desert Weavers workshop in 1995. Later she worked as a community health worker but now spends her time painting and creating tjanpi baskets and sculptures.
Nora Nyutjanka Davidson
Born in 1955 near Mantamaru, Nora Nyutjanka Davidson led a traditional lifestyle at Warburton in its post-missionary period. She started making tjanpi baskets and sculptures about 10 years ago, and has participated in several tjanpi workshops resulting in collaborative sculpture groups.