Figure 7

Jennifer Nginyaka Mitchell
Jennifer Nginyaka Mitchell was born at Kala Tjuti near Irrunytju community in 1955. As a small child she was with her family near Maralinga during the British nuclear tests. Her grandfather became ill from the radioactive fallout and later died. Jennifer is known for her well-crafted baskets and delightfully animated tjanpi dogs and figures. She works closely with the Tjanpi Desert Weavers administration and helps organise the annual Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council Law and Culture camp.

Belle Karrika Davidson
Belle Karrika Davidson was born in about 1942 near Papulankutja, where she now lives. When her mother died, Belle and her siblings were taken to Warburton mission, but they frequently returned to country to learn survival skills and Tjukurrpa (Dreaming). As a young mother, Belle was camped near the nuclear tests at Maralinga and became very ill. She has worked as a housemaid, painter, translator and documentary film producer and performed during the Opening Ceremony of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. She is also an avid tjanpi artist.