Figure 5

Mildred Nyunkiya Lyons
Mildred Nyunkiya Lyons was born in Warburton in the 1960s, the post-missionary period of the community. She moved with her family to Papulankutja in 1978, where there were ‘no houses, no buildings, only wiltja [windbreaks]’. There she went to school, married and raised her family. Mildred has a keen interest in supporting the elderly and works at the women’s centre, cooking meals and providing home help. She is an avid tjanpi artist and has produced a number of baskets and sculptures.

Jennifer Mintiyi Connelly
Jennifer Mintiyi Connelly was born in 1964 in the Mulga Park area in the APY lands of the Northern Territory. She lives and works in Mantamaru but paints through Papulankutja Artists. The Kuru Ala workshop to create Seven Sisters Are Flying was her first major tjanpi sculptural work.